21 March, 2008

Just dropping by...

It's wonderful today, actually later today because at 6pm we are going to the church for a dinner, it's actually a fund raising I think for the scouts. And the ticket only cost 3 dollars. And we are going to help for their funds and plus my brother in law is the scout master. So I am thinking and I hope that there will be tons of members that are going for this event.

And Morian today is not feeling good, he acts so fuzzy and last night at 3am, he woke up and was crying so much, and well it is not a good thing because the last time he did that when we were in Tucson, visiting my aunt that time because he was sick, and he acts like it, but I hope he will feel better today.

Casey the other seems so different and before we went to bed a few nights ago, he told me that, that day he was so happy and that he couldn't explain, and he told me that he loves me so much and the reason why he was happy well this is what he told me because, I was the one who drove him to work. And well it was kind of sweet of him... Well, I hope my driving thing will work out pretty good and I can't wait to get my drivers license and I hope to get it pretty soon and to be able to drive really good as well.

Okay, I have to move because I only have a few minutes to get ready Morian and myself and it's dinner time at church! :D

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